among the stars

"promise you'll stay safe."

☆hello! please just call me Frey or Charlotte

☆i have many accounts on ferp but that's not that important lmao (Feel free to ask, though?)

☆unsourced art is mine. sprites are by me.

☆i dont mind dms, but please be patient with me. i'm not too good at replying right away.

☆im an adult! i will probably not write porn with you!

☆please do not be pushy with me. i will try to answer you when I can.
☆i do both short rps and more literate rp! i try to match what i'm given.

☆Single ship, thank you! 『S-Supported with @BrandedPrince

that's it, I think! ☆ ☆ ☆

Chrom 『𝕊』》"I'll peel all of your oranges for you. Please. Think of your poor stomach." The Lord she serves, and relies on the most. They're pretty much on the same wavelength, which both worries her and excites her. At least someone is laughing at her jokes. If the world was her stage, she'd hope for him to be her audience. The stars in her sky.

Lucina『ℂ』》"I wish I could do more for you." Her daughter from the future, and the first of the future children to arrive at camp. She'd never noticed it when they first met, but there's something about her eyes...

Morgan『ℂ』》"He's got my brains! Which is good, except for the whole...forgetting part." Her son from the future. A bit of a mother's boy, but she doesn't mind. He's the spitting image of Chrom, and she still has trouble getting used to it.

Hazel 『𝔸』》"I have her to thank for...most things in my life." Her partner in crime. When they're not creating chaos in camp, she's studying something or other alongside her.

Sumia 『𝔸』》"She's strong and reliable, and I wish people would see her potential as I have." A long-time friend of Stella's, one of the first to welcome her to the shepherds. They spend their days shopping and speaking idly about their friends and flowers. She always faintly smells of honey.

Gaius 『𝔸』》"Someone sure has sticky fingers! (laugh)." He's stolen her attention for sure, and somehow, also a monopoly on her time. Someone she's likely to drop what she's doing for.

Cordelia『𝔹』》"She makes everything seem so easy...but I can't say I envy her. She's good at what she does, and it makes my job much easier!" Stella considers her to be a good pal, someone she can joke around with and speak with comfortably. It's something she cherishes-- It's rare she feels genuinely comfortable, after all.

Frederick『𝔹』》"I want to see him smile at least once more before I die. I think I might die trying, but I've accepted that fate." Much like Cordelia, she's grateful for him and everything he does. She wants to be able to do more for him; he's efficient to a point where she feels rather useless. Though she'd never tell him. While her usual nature inclines her to make jokes at his expense, she wonders if it bothers him. It occasionally weighs on her mind.

Frederick『𝔹』》"....Bear?" Always caught in awkward situations, always put in awkward situations, she's worried the two don't quite match up. Still, she's pretty fond of him and has a lot of fun whenever they find time to chat.

Reflet 『ℂ』》"I'd say...I'm worried about him. Can I say that? Is that allowed?" With only a few interactions with him, she's a bit afraid of how she comes off. She's aware her plucky attitude is an acquired taste, and worries she grates on the nerves of her fellow tactician. Though if given the chance, she'd like to reach out to them more.

Robin 『ℂ』》"He's so bright...!" Another fellow tactician, he's a bit of a mystery to her. However his calming aura and friendly demeanor helps her feel at ease.

Rhea 『ℂ』》"....Honestly, she makes me kind of nervous. I'm not sure how she'll react to anything." A coworker shrouded in mystery. She treads with caution when it comes to Rhea, but she's....trying.

name: stella
age: 23
gender: female
orientation: ???
birthday: 13 february
class: tactician → grandmaster → tactician
ReClass: Pegasus Knight → Dark Flier
A strange amnesiac with a penchant for tactics. She works for the Shepherds as a soldier and a tactician.

the best at mapping stars.

Prefers to use the tome as opposed to a sword. Her favorite tome is Moonlight.
she's pretty upbeat, trying to keep the shepherds together is hard work, but with someone like chrom leading, you need someone behind the curtain pulling the strings. (have you SEEN the guy? i once watched him try to eat an orange without peeling it!) (jokes on her now, she married THAT)
she loves busywork and is generally a pretty positive person. she likes cracking jokes and is friendly towards people. charismatic, always has this light in her eyes when she talks about things.

if she has any negative points, she's stubborn. she tends to bite off a lot more than she can chew and is constantly overwhelmed.
she's a real bleeding heart. the happiness of those around her is the most important. She tends to keep herself occupied with busywork in order to drown out any strange voices or thoughts she's been having as of late. she attempts to distance herself from that part of her, and helping others is a sort of affirmation.

she is small in stature, her eyes are light-colored and sharp. due to her long-range fighting style, her eyesight is above average. her hair is long and wavy, thick and neverending. sort of like space. if space had constant bedhead. she brushes it, but only on special occasions.

She'd like to one day own a pegasus, but she's always worried she won't be able to tame it.

An insomniac, plagued with troubling dreams, Stella has found comfort in stargazing. "The skies are so large, and it makes my problems seem all the smaller." She loves to joke that her name means she's fated to be among the stars someday.